Tag Archives: chili

Theo Chef Sessions limited edition confections

The idea of limited edition is kind of like eating seasonally. Something that’s limited edition is less likely to be taken for granted, though you run the risk of turning it into something precious. Or, worse, a marketing scheme.

Thankfully, in the case of limited edition things that are actually kick-ass and that, when they become available you need to snap one up immediately, there’s the Theo Chef Sessions limited edition confection collection. (Say that five times fast.) Featuring collaborations with some of the top chefs from Seattle, Portland and San Francisco, this might be the only opportunity you’ll have to try things like carrot caramel, pine resin ganache or candied beet pate de fruit.

Theo Chef Sessions limited edition confections

Standouts in the collection were the Chris Cosentino (Incanto) agro dolce brittle, a crispy crunchy brittle with pine nuts, capers and currants. Your brain expects sweet and it gets salty and savoury. I wanted more of the Maria Hines (Tilth) tamarind lime chili caramel, with its juicy, complex flavour profile. And, featuring the most traditional flavours of the bunch, the creation from Jerry Traumfeld (Poppy) didn’t disappoint with the huckleberry pate de fruit and cinnamon basil white ganache.

This limited edition (whee!) collection is only available for Valentine’s Day, so get ‘em while you can.

Disclosure: The lovely team at Theo Chocolate sent me a box of these, gratis.

ChocoLove chilies & cherries in 55% dark chocolate

Chocolate pairs well with cherries and with chilies, but it’s a growing trend to mix all three together. For instance, Lindt does a cherry & chili bar. It’s not bad, but it’s definitely for a sweeter palate than mine. ChocoLove’s chilies & cherries bar is an interesting addition to the market.

ChocoLove puts a spin on the trend by using chipotle and ancho chilies, providing heat and smokiness. The dried cherries are nice and tart, and while I don’t usually like stuff in my chocolate, the experience of melty chocolate and chewy cherry is actually kind of fun. This bar starts with tart cherry and dark chocolate, mellows to smokiness, and finishes with warm heat at the back of your throat.

I’ll admit that I wasn’t blown away by it on first try. The smokiness is a bit too smoky for my liking. It almost tastes a little bit bitter, like the chilies were roasted longer than they should have been. Having said that, it’s an interesting take on a flavour combination that we’ll probably see a lot more of.

ChocoLove is available here (mostly in the US, but some online sources probably ship to Canada) or you can buy directly from them online.

Finally, in a cute twist, some of the chocolate bars come with love poems on the inside of the wrapper. Mine came with George Wither’s Sonnet Upon a Stolen Kiss:

Now gentle sleep hath closed up those eyes
Which, waking, kept my boldest thoughts in awe;
And free access unto that sweet lip lies,
From whence I long the rosy breath to draw.
Methinks no wrong it were, if I should steal
From those two melting rubies one poor kiss;
None sees the theft that would the theft reveal,
Nor rob I her of aught what she can miss:
Nay, should I twenty kisses take away,
Why then should I this robbery delay?
O, she may wake, and therewith angry grow!
Well, if she do, I’ll back restore that one,
And twenty hundred thousand more for loan.

Foodists.ca: Chili Molasses Pecans

I’m stepping out of my usual comfort zone today. I’m directing you to my post at Foodists.ca, which not only features a picture, but a recipe. Ooooh, recipe!